In Order to Take Full Advantage of Our Services, You Need to Qualify!

Even when you securely Sign Up online through PDF documentation or electronically through Adobe EchoSign. We will only charge you after the initial consultation which includes immediate access to credit educational tools, an in-depth analyzes on your credit and laws governing credit.
We don’t just want your money, we want to know we are able to help you by delivering satisfactory results. We want you to refer us your friends and family knowing we will help them.
When You Qualify for Our Program
1. You are willing and readyIn order to qualify for our services, you need to be willing and ready to change your financial life. You need to provide us with additional information if and when requested, such as a copy of your driver’s license. You need to not purposely have additional adverse items reported, as these bring your scores down.
2. Items on your report
In order to qualify for our services, we look for certain adverse items on your report.
We look for inaccurate, incomplete, obsolete, time barred, or unverified: collections (paid or unpaid), public records (tax liens, judgments, bankruptcy, etc.), “paid in settlement” accounts, charged-off accounts, profit & loss accounts, personal information inaccuracies, late payments, etc. You can have one of these items and/or you can have them all in multiple instances.
When You Do Not Qualify for Our Program
1. Charged-off accounts with large balancesYou do not qualify for our credit repair program when you only have multiple verified charged-off accounts with large balances. We would rather advise you to sign up for Debt Settlement services as chances are, these companies will have all the documentation we request them, meaning we would be unable to deliver you satisfactory results.
2. Student Loans
You do not qualify for our credit repair program when you only have past due/charged-off student loans with large balances. We would rather advise you to sign up for Student Loan Consolidation services as chances are, since student loans are backed up by the government and follow different rules and regulations, these companies will have all the documentation we request them, meaning we would be unable to deliver you satisfactory results.
3. You have done credit repair yourself
At this point we are unable to take on clients who have previously (in the last 6 months) done credit repair themselves, meaning you have disputed items online multiple times. We take a very different and unique approach to your creditors and to the bureaus, therefore what you have done on your end might contradict our work. The bureaus would disregard our requests as frivolous and your creditors would not reply to our correspondence sent, meaning we would be unable to deliver you satisfactory results.
4. You want us to create a “new” identity for you
You do not qualify for our program if you want us to create a new identity for you, as file segregation is illegal. We only work on the adverse items reported to the bureaus associated with your unique social security number, that way you won’t ever have to hide your true identity.